New: Full Video Training


Learn how to take your horse from stiff, crooked and unhappy to looser, calmer, and happier!

Rhythm is what begins your horse’s journey to beautiful movement!

Amy is a gift to the horse world. She has an exceptional ability to see things from the horse’s perspective and help both horse and rider move toward balance and alignment without force, pushing or pulling. She has shed light on why my gelding and I have struggled with certain movements; and how we need to help him find a new way of moving and develop in areas he’s not strong – all in a way that builds his trust and relaxation with what we’re doing. Amy is 100% in it for the horse and I love that beyond measure. She's an incredibly knowledgeable, kind and talented teacher who is fun to work with! I would recommend anyone jump at the opportunity to learn from her every chance they can.

Tes Olson

Problems Solved!

Six Weeks to Calm, Forward, and Straight can lead you to the beautifully moving, supple and happy horse you dream of!

But first - can you relate to these frustrating problems?

Jarring, bumpy gaits?

Difficulty Achieving Balance and Suppleness?

Troublesome behaviors from your horse?

It’s easy to understand how you could feel lost - There is a world of conflicting information out there, and frankly, much of it simply doesn’t work. You know this because you are trapped in a loop, forever fixing these

symptoms of a greater problem!

I struggled so much with my horses too, before I began learning these tried and true, centuries old classical principles of balance. I had no idea how interconnected everything was for a horse - their minds and their bodies needed to be balanced before training could ever “stick.”

Behavior problems like trouble being caught, standing still, or spookiness, difficulty with transitions, difficulty responding to the aids, and much more, all started to melt away when I discovered how to make my horse's bodies feel fantastic. Suddenly they were calm, happy, and more importantly, loving their work! I was thrilled at how beautiful their bodies looked, happy to have more success in my riding, but most importantly, overjoyed to have horses who felt as good as they deserved. I know you want this, too!

Yes there is a way to develop a partnership without frustration

Yes there is a way to create straightness without confusion

Yes there is a way to develop a calm, happy horse without getting tangled up in one more fad

Yes there is a way to develop looseness without having to throw more money away on programs that don’t understand your horse’s movement, body, and mind

Goodbye Frustration, Hello Happy Horse!

Meet Six Weeks to Calm, Forward, and Straight: The System that Solves Your Greatest Training Problems From the Ground

This course features a comprehensive program with everything you need to teach your horse balance from the ground!

You’ll get a map to understand your horse’s balance and posture now, and a clear pathway to develop them toward beautiful posture!

You’ll get detailed videos on the how and why to create healthy movement.

You’ll get support with weekly coaching with group zoom calls to ensure all your questions are answered and needs are met!

You’ll also receive access to an exclusive facebook group to share progress, ask questions and receive support from like minded horse people.

You never lose access to your course materials. That means you can come back to the course content whenever you need to.

Thanks to lunging help with Amy, I FINALLY learned the missing pieces I needed on proper development, and motion

for my horse. Amy made it easy to understand what was happening to cause the horse to get out of balance, what to look for, how to correctly help them adjust. Within minutes I had the information I had spent over a year looking for. Thank you Amy, I can’t wait to show our development after a couple of weeks!

Katherine Chajka

Step 1:

Understanding Posture and Movement:

Mapping the Front End: Neck and Shoulders

Understanding how the neck and shoulders are influenced by movement

What We'll Work On

In this section, we’ll learn to understand movement and posture in general. We’ll look into mapping your horse’s front end to create a detailed plan of where they are toward where you want them to be. We’ll work on videoing and photographing your horse to determine a plan for movement and development.

Step 2 Middle:

Back and Belly

In this section, you’ll learn to understand how the middle connects and transmits force to the front and is affected by the hindquarters.

What We'll Work On

Photographing and analyzing your horses back and belly to discover dysfunction and develop a path to looseness.

Step 3:

Hind End: Pelvis and Hind Limbs

In this section, you’ll understand how proper hind end function creates a safer, calmer and more receptive horse.

What We'll Work On

Photographing your horses hind end to discover weakness, tightness and develop a movement plan.

Step 4:

What is Alignment?

In this section, you’ll learn about developing the beginnings of straightness by aligning the spine and whole body of the horse. You’ll begin developing straightness on the lunge line.

Step 5:

Rhythm Makes It Easy

In this section, you’ll learn about developing the beginnings of straightness by aligning the spine and whole body of the horse. You’ll begin developing straightness on the lunge line.

Step 6:

Developing Transitions

In this section, you’ll begin to understand tempo and learn how to create smooth, beautiful transitions. You’ll learn how to begin developing strength and stability, and further increase looseness in your horse. You’ll develop the beginnings of smooth transitions to build suppleness and power.

Step 7:

Reassessing The Front End

In this section, we’ll take a look at your horse’s front end and compare to the photos and videos from when you began the course.

Step 8:

Reassessing the Middle

In this section, we’ll take a look at the middle of your horse and discover the changes in muscle and function from the beginning of the course.

Step 9:

Reassessing The Hind End

In this section, we’ll reassess the hind end of your horse and see how much more stable, functional and comfortable it is compared to the beginning of the course. We’ll assess their movement and postural changes overall and compare.

*Includes access to all trainings for one low payment of $595 today


Bonus ONE

Map Your Horse's Body

Join me for a total mapping of your horse’s body, where you'll get a printable chart to take with you to the barn! Develop a better eye for balance, posture and how compensatory postures create dysfunction in your horse.

Bonus TWO

Developing A Quality Canter

Join me for my “Developing a Quality Canter” where I’ll teach my unique method to developing a more stable, fluid and comfortable canter.

*Includes access to all trainings for one low payment of $595 today



Take your horse from stiff, crooked and unhappy to looser, calmer, and happier!

  • Lifetime access to all course content

  • Six weeks of group Zoom call support

  • Exclusive for members Facebook community access

  • Plain English translation of classical theory

  • Peace of mind that you're doing right by your horse

  • Tried and true principles that WORK for every horse

  • Downloads, audio files and videos


One time payment. Enrollment closes on September 2nd


One Time Payment

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3 x $215

Payment Plan

This is a payment plan, not a subscription.

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7-day money-back guarantee

If, within the first 7 days of your purchase, you find that our product doesn't meet your expectations or needs, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will promptly refund your money, no questions asked. Your satisfaction is paramount to us, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

What Others Say

I appreciate Amy’s approach to looking at the whole horse in her training. Physical, emotional, and mental well being are all taken into consideration. Her ongoing education and personal development are very important qualities in a trainer and something I value in anyone I work with or refer.

Leah Astrup

CETP Equine Touch Practitioner

Amy Skinner is a rare being. She understands horses and her whole approach in everything she does with horses involves a softness. I would never hesitate to ask her opinion or for help with a horse and I often have. I consider her to be one of the best.

Dr. Stephen Peters

Amy’s breadth of skill is as vast as her attentiveness and clarity as an instructor, which is to say limitless! She is a horsewoman I admire deeply.

Jec Aristotle Ballou

Amy provided so many great exercises to do with your horse. The exercises greatly improved my horses suppleness, flexibility, softness, and balance.

Donna Sagonowsky

*Includes access to all trainings for one low payment of $595 today

This course is not intended to diagnose, and should not replace veterinary or professional care. Tendon and ligament injuries are not advised for this course. Please seek veterinary clearance before beginning this work.

Frequently asked Questions

Does the horse need to be under saddle to participate?

No, this course is entirely on the ground on the lunge . The horse does not need to be very educated, however they should be gentle enough to be near you calmly, and ideally be able to go away from you without bolting or panicking.

Is this course going to include lots of circles?

No, the goal here is to create long straight lines with curved turning lines connecting.

What materials are needed?

A cavesson, lunge line, a lunge whip, and a flat, ideally enclosed place to work

How often do you need to work for best results?

Ideally 3-5 short sessions a week to create new movement patterns

What is the cost and what does it include?

$595 USD includes all course content with lifetime access, private Facebook group, video submission critiques, zoom call q and A’s with discussion of topics, and support marking up before and after’s for six weeks. Lifetime access to all material once six weeks of coaching has ended.

Who is this course for?

Anyone with a sincere desire to learn how to help their horse become more comfortable and beautiful. Anyone with a little work ethic and an open mind. You will be doing lots of walking so get your sneakers on!This course is suitable for any horse who is sound enough to walk and trot. With the work we're going to be doing, we'll help develop a healthier range of motion to increase comfort and soundness. It's not reccomended for horses currently recovering from tendon or ligament injury, as the likelihood of making accidental tight turns or small circles can create unsafe strain.This course is not intended to diagnose, and it doesn't replace your vet, bodyworkers, trainers, or care team - but my aim is to support you and your horse along the path to healthy movement!Please also understand that six weeks is a timeline for coaching: not a deadline. Every horse is going to be different, you may take much less time to get the desired result, or far more. Remember to compare yourself and your horse to yourself yesterday, not to everyone else, because you're all working from a different place. If you haven't at the end of six weeks accomplished what you desire, remember you have the material of this course for a lifetime! Six weeks is just the beginning of a new beautiful journey you're embarking! There is no deadline here!

What is the Q&A Schedule?

The Live Q&A's are held every Tuesday at 12pm EST

9/3/2024 Week 1: Welcome and Introduction 

9/10/2024 Week 2: Balance and Movement

9/17/2024 Week 3: Front end, Back and Belly, and Hind end

9/24/2024  Week 4: Rhythm makes it easy

10/1/2024 Week 5: Transitions

10/8/2024 Week 6: Reassess and Closing

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